How we work

We like to think that one of the most important elements to getting to grips with financial crisis is to listen.

From experience, the reputation of Insolvency Practitioners is that it is a male dominated environment and practitioners can be somewhat dogmatic. That is not the approach we favour at Maxwell Davies. We recognise that facing the potential failure of a business is obviously a distressing time for anyone.

It is vital that business owners understand the importance of seeking help as early as possible. The sooner IPs get involved, the larger our arsenal can be in dealing with the situation.

So we will listen to your story fully and without prejudice and we will discuss with you a business rescue plan or taking the final steps to close your business. There are many insolvency tools available that are practical for different situations when closing a business and we want to take the headache away and explain the process clearly so that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.


Help for Individuals
Help for Companies
Business Rescue & Insolvency Tools

Please do get in touch

You don’t know what we can do until you ask.

If you or your business is facing financial problems, then please do not put it off. Please contact us so you can take your first step towards resolving your situation.

Seeking advice early on really can help to find the best resolution and whatever happens we will be beside you, helping you through the process.

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