Ruth Duncan shares her views on the insolvency profession in Parliamentary Review

Challenging a male-dominated sector and embracing the benefits of an holistic approach are among the topics Ruth Duncan has discussed in her article for The Parliamentary Review.

Distributed to over 500,000 readers, including policy makers and leading business executives, The Parliamentary Review is a guide to best practice in industry. Respected figures from a variety of sectors discuss the ways they have responded to political and economic challenges, with a view to raising standards by highlighting best practice.

In her position as President of the Insolvency Practitioners Association and with over 30 years’ experience in the profession, Ruth has an excellent understanding of the issues facing the insolvency sector.

Ruth discusses how the traditionally male-dominated profession has evolved since she set up her first practice 14 years ago and how she has viewed being female as a distinct advantage. Taking an holistic approach to her work and developing the skill of truly listening to her clients has, she believes, been instrumental in achieving the best possible results in each case.

The importance of consistency and a more proactive thought process in legislation is also explored, along with the need for a more visible media profile for the insolvency profession.

“As President of the IPA, I have taken the opportunity to draw attention to our work and to mark the positive developments across the industry that I am proud to represent,” Ruth said. “Our profession plays a vital role in supporting a strong economy, so tackling the issues we continue to face will bring about immeasurable benefits for UK industry as a whole.”

Click the link below to read the full article.

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