Will your economic recovery plan include mental health?

Mental health has become an urgent priority. Lockdown restrictions, financial uncertainty, remote working stress and loneliness, have all put pressure on our mental well-being. As the vaccine roll-out continues to accelerate, the hope of returning to a degree of normality is growing stronger. So, what can you do to address your own financial stresses and include mental health in your economic recovery plan?

How good is our personal and economic well-being

Last year almost 9 million adults increased their borrowing to make ends meet. Those hit the hardest were often at low paid jobs, young people, parents with school-aged children and self-employed.

According to the ONS figures, the self-employed reported the most significant drop in income and working hours, even if they were covered by the government support scheme. At the same time, around 1.8 million self-employed people and around 700,000 company owner-managers were excluded from the state support.

With a decreased ability to save money, the mental resilience across the nation is dwindling. And while it’s hoped the government will work to provide more support, it’s time to create your own economic recovery plan. One that factors in your mental health, as well as your finances.

Escape the burden of debt

Debt can easily spill into all aspects of our lives, affecting relationships with friends and family. It can also have a devastating impact on their mental health, leaving people feeling alienated and not knowing where to turn.

Worrying about money can make mental health worse. When managing money gets harder, it often creates a vicious cycle for the person in debt.

With the stigma attached to both debt and mental health, the hardest but the most crucial step is acknowledging the problem.

It’s Time to Talk

Today (4 February) we celebrate Time to Talk day. It gives us an opportunity to open up about our mental health and offer support.

Even a small gesture such as a (virtual) cup of tea, a chat, a text message can go a long way.

If you are struggling and don’t know where to start, check out our download section for a handy A to Z list of services that offer information, advice, and support around mental health and managing finances across the South East.

And if you need help with understanding your options, don’t put it off. Contact us today for free impartial advice on 0800 118 2948.

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