So far the last quarter of 2019 has been marked by the economic and political instability on a national and global scale. With several well-established brands falling into administration, many of our clients have opened up about their fragile mental health brought by the business woes.
While we are getting better at talking about the state of our mental health, the stigma of debt remains unchanged.
Some debt, such as mortgages, are seen as acceptable or even ‘good’ investments. However, debt is still generally seen as a taboo, and many British citizens are still sitting on a secret debt mountain. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed they jeopardise their mental and physical health and relationships with the loved ones.
We all share the responsibility for a healthy and robust society. Therefore, I welcome the manifesto published by Money & Mental Health Charity. It sets out ways the next government can sever the connection between mental health problems & financial hardship.
It also fits in with the 5 point plan of dealing with your debts positively that I launched early this year.