Understand your debt and take back control

According to the Money & Pensions Service, 9 million people in the UK borrow money or rely on an overdraft or credit card to buy food or pay essential bills. And with the reported decline in the strength of personal and family relationships, it’s not surprising that when debt hijacks people’s lives, they can be left feeling alienated, mentally exhausted and out of control.

Recently, Talk Money Talk Pension Week, offered a great opportunity to open up the conversation around financial education and financial well-being. It is worth reminding that financial resilience is not only about managing finances on a day to day basis or dealing with unexpected events.

It’s about getting empowered. By taking an active interest in understanding one’s financial circumstances and the ways in which they affect one’s life.
Regaining financial control is a process. Thus, seeking emotional support from the loved ones and professional advice as early as possible will usually mean the best possible outcome.

If you have a question – check out our FAQ section or contact us for a free impartial consultation. You don’t know what we can do until you ask.

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